#FM / Speed FM / Gabber FM#
We decided to take a slightly different approach with our PI mix, the first 30 minutes is a concept mix / sequence of sounds which is all original material, made mainly from Ableton's Operator FM synth. The second half of the mix is music that has influenced us in some way and newer music we've been feeling.
Alan Johnson - First half concept mix (28 minutes of operator)
Ode to S (Intro)
Sequence one
Sequence two
Sequence three
Square sequence (four)
Rich boys sequence (five)
Sequence six
Five step doze sequence (seven)
Full doze sequence (eight)
Maundu shake sequence (nine)
Thin boy sequence (ten)
Flo - FACT sequence beef shellington refix (eleven)
Schelnow sequence (twelve)
Mastema sequence (thirteen)
Second half (30 minutes of influences & new flexes)
Tom Waits - What's He Building
Benjamin Lew - Bamako ou ailleurs
Shackleton - Deadman
Azu Tiwaline & Al Wootton - Blue Dub
COIDO - Gamma
Alan Johnson - Hex23
Alan Johnson - Many Faces of Tutu