A random playlist of Cantonese speaking area, with a selection of female bands or bands with a female/queer core.
琴包GrrrLive w/ JAM
Play琴包GrrrLive w/ JAM
[Indie] [Pop]与非门 - 凌晨
yourboyfriendsucks!- stay/stayaway
無高潮 - thin ice
Oops!- eye contact
Hoo!- Gill
junsun - failed wedding in flames
想想 - after work
A Crush on River - intro: 唔想理你
bennu is heron - 森林半岛
FIESTER - 秋去冬来
WHIZZ - let's keep dancing tonight
lottie's pocket - corpse bride
有话 - Dazed
与非门 - 乐园(粤)
Shows by Machine Gun In Grrrl's Gig Bag(14)
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