HUANLÜ is a monthly show hosted by Eric Lau, a producer, engineer, DJ, educator who spent all of his life in the west and has now relocated to his motherland China with the ambition to contribute to the music community.
Our intention is to “SHARE 分享” music and return to the most simple process without too much description. We hope the listeners feel the music for what it is and for the music to speak for itself. The show is compiled of four themes: HUANLÜ CELEBRATES, XIAMEN SELECTION, SDEWDENT SELECTS, ALL ABOUT TONE.
HUANLÜ CELEBRATES is our way of honoring an artist that we love and appreciate by sharing 3 songs from their catalogue.
XIAMEN SELECTION is the soundtrack to a life full of sun, nature, good vibes and people in Amoy where HUANLÜ is based, we hope you feel joy in our selection.
SDEWDENT SELECTS connects us to the current generation of fresh new music. This music is carefully selected by the highly gifted music producer and engineer SDEWDENT who is also part of the HUANLÜ family.
ALL ABOUT TONE is a segment where we share music across all genres and generations that has one thing in common, tone. This is the consistent element that attracts us to certain music whether it be in the tone of the vocal, instruments or the way it’s engineered or produced.